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An effective leader is a person who can Create an inspiring vision of the future, Motivates & inspires people to engage with that vision


Feelings of friendship, support, and understanding between people

Gregorian Corner

This space is where we will pass along news, updates, items of interest about Gregorian


St. Gregory’s High School is one of the oldest and most recognized revolutionary educational institute of Bangladesh. It was founded on 1882 by Father Gregory De Groote, a Belgian Benedictine priest. The school is currently located at 82 Municipal Office Street, Luxmibazar, Dhaka-1100. The students of this school are the ones known as the "Gregorians".

The Gregorian Association is the only alumni organization of the school. The association was founded on 1985 by Late Grn. A.K.M Shamsul Azam. Currently, Grn. Munadir Islam (Batch: 1975) is the President while as Grn. Shameem Hussain (Batch: 1976) is the General Secretary of the alumni association.


Current Students


General Members




Lifetime Member

Renowned Gregorians

These fellow GREGORIANS made us and our country in many ways.......

Dr. Tajuddin Ahmed

Tajuddin Ahmed

Batch: 1954

First Prime Minister of Bangladesh and also the leader of the wartime provisional government during the liberation war in 1971.Born in 23 July, 1925, Tajuddin Ahmed was admitted to St. Gregory’s High School in 1944.He graduated from this school while securing 12th position in the then matriculation exams.

Dr. Amartya Sen

Dr. Amartya Sen

Admission: 1940

A world-renowned economist and Nobel Laureate in Economics. He was born in November 3, 1933. He began his High School education at St. Gregory’s High School in 1940. Later onwards He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998.

A.Q.M Badruddoza Chowdhury

A. Q. M Badruddoza Chowdhury

Batch: 1947

Abul Qasim Muhammad Badruddoza Chowdhury was the 13th President of Bangladesh. He was born in November 1, 1932. He is also a noted physician, and former cultural activist, an author, essayist, playwright, television presenter and an orator of distinction. He graduated from St. Gregory’s High School in 1947.

Dr. Kamal Hossain

Dr. Kamal Hossain

Batch: 1951

A Bangladeshi jurist, statesman, politician and freedom fighter; born 20 April 1937. After the independence of Bangladesh, he served as Minister of Law from 1972 to 1973 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1973 to 1975. He was also the Minister of Energy in 1974. Under his leadership, the Constitution of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Petroleum Act were enacted.

It is my privilege and honour to serve you the Gregorians as president of TGA. We want to do regimentation among the Gregorian families and promotion of social activities. We, the members of TGA work voluntarily to achieve these Goals. I hope more generations of Gregorians will join the working force and carry the torch of Gregorian legacy.

Munadir Islam

Munadir Islam

President, TGA (Batch: 1975)

We the Gregorians are here at The Gregorian Association to renew the spirit that inculcated many years ago as students of St Gregory's High school. We dedicate this Association to promotion of brotherhood among Gregorians. For this we trust in support from all the Gregorians.

Shameem Hussain

Shameem Hussain

General Secretary, TGA (Batch: 1976)

A tree is identified by it's fruits. An educational institute is alive through its students. Success of Alma Mater depends upon the achievement of its students. St Gregory's High school will always be proud of its former students and boasts with current students and urges to go on the hunt for future students. An alumni association makes a bridge among the former students that brings them close to each other. I hope TGA will continue to uphold the legacy of Gregorian brotherhood for infinite future. Success of TGA will inspire the present members to be more effective and will motivate more Gregorians to join the alumni.

Bro. Ujjal Placid Pereira

Bro. Ujjal Placid Pereira

Principal, St. Gregory's High School & College

St. Gregory's High School the name speaks for itself. We believe we are privileged enough to call ourselves the students of this historic institution. The Gregorian Association is a place where cherish the legacy of Our Alma Mater. Therefore, I will ask all the gregorians to be a part of TGA and celebrate the Gregorian legacy.

Taslim Ahmed

Taslim Ahmed

Gregorian 1991 Batch

From Blog

Our fellow Gregorians have expressed their view, feelings & lifestyle with St. Gregory's High School


From Shorts To Trousers: Remembering St. Gregory’s

With age one acquires the ability to skip effortlessly over any number of years and recall incidents with such vividness that the exclamation leaps to one’s lips: ‘It seems only yesterday!’


My Days As A Gregorian

I passed SSC from St. Gregory's High School in November, 1972. The exam was held a few months later because of our war of independence. I am a proud Gregorian.


Gregorian’68: A class of its own...

In my days of childhood, some of the most vibrant spaces had included our classrooms. The most enjoyable hour for the young learners was, when they rushed out of the gates after the bell.